獲獎年度(可排序) 獎項名稱 姓名(可排序) 頒獎單位 維護單位
108 2019 Outstanding Service Award 林翠絹 Chinese Communication Association
105 2nd place, Top Paper Award, Research Division, 2016 Broadcast & Education Association 林翠絹 Broadcast & Education Association
104 2015 Outstanding Service Award, Chinese Communication Association 林翠絹 Chinese Communication Association
099 Best Faculty Paper Award, Journalism Division, 2010 Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 林翠絹 Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
093 Australia Asia Executive Award, Ministry of Education, Australia 林翠絹 Australian Government International Education Network
087 Best Television Program, Formosa Television Award 1998 (First Place) (民視獎最佳節目第一名) 林翠絹 Formosa Television
097 Best Socio-cultural Program, 34th Golden Bell Awards (34屆金鐘獎社教節目入圍) (Finalist) 林翠絹 Government Information Office, Executive Yuan
109 資深優良教師(10年) 楊啟正 國立政治大學 人事室
109 傑出服務教師獎 楊啟正 國立政治大學 人事室
110 國科會研究獎勵 楊啟正 科技部(國科會) 研發處